Export Mazafati Dates

Export Mazafati Dates

Export Mazafati dates:

Export Mazafati dates are attributed to Kerman province and Bam city. This type of date is not considered as a dried fruit due to its high humidity and is consumed fresh.

Mazafati date has best tasting varieties of Dates,because this date taste is very sweet and has a unique delicious taste. This type of date is quite is popular around the world.

Appearance of Mazafati dates:

Storage conditions are at a temperature between -5 to 5 degrees Celsius. The appearance of this product is thin, shiny and smooth skin that can be easily removed. The color of this product is dark brown to black and 2.5 to 4 cm in size. 

Export Mazafati Dates

Cultivated provinces:

The quality of Bam – grown Mazafati dates is not Comparable to Mazafati dates that are grown in other places. Harvesting time depends to the Variety and Starts in August lasting to the end of October. The Mazafati is fully ripe at the end of the Date season. Due to the moist loss and thin skin ۥ this fruit can not be on the trees for a longtime. So the packaging process time should be short and fast with precise harvesting operations. 

Most Mazafati dates are mostly cultivated in Kerman province, Bam city and the surrounding villages, Jiroft, Narmashir, Barvat (Barwa). Mazafati dates are one of the best types of dates, the best of which are produced in Bam city.

Target market of Mazafati dates:

About half of the entire date production of Iran comes from the production of this type of date and most of it is exported to other countries. 

Bam Mazafati dates are one of the most popular products in various date cultivars, which has a good market in the export of non-oil products. This product is exported to almost all countries. But its main market is India. European countries, Turkey and Asian countries are in the next ranks.

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