Iranian Rabbi dates

Iranian Rabbi dates

Category: Semi-Dried Dates               Hs code: 08041090

One of the best loved and earliest date varieties is Iranian Rabbi dates . Like other dry or soft dates.

Mahd Mazeh Shirin Trading Company (STC) with Shiny Foodstuff brand as an Iranian dates supplier company has started to export and supply Iranian dates such as Zahedi, Piarom, Kabkab, Rabbi, Mazafati dates and other. follow us in Instagram.


Iranian Rabbi dates

One of the best loved and earliest date varieties is Iranian Rabbi dates .  Like other dry or soft dates, Rabbi dates can be eaten directly out-of-hand or, for a twist, they can be eaten directly out-of-hand or, for a twist, they can be seeded and stuffed with a variety of different food stuffs for different flavor combinations.

Appearance characteristics

Iranian Rabbi Date has attractive black color which is reddish black and soft texture. This date Shape is long, oval, semi-dry, linear, Juicy and has thin skin with a little seed.

Rabbi Date Size is long, round (its Size is available in relative) and its grade is normal, also there is another kind of Rabbi date which is smaller mere dry and is so hard. Rabbi Date, has best tasting Varieties of Dates, because this Date taste is sweet and has a unique delicious and indescribable taste.

Because the sweetness of Rabbi dates is natural some people prefer Rabbi dates because of their low sweetness in comparison to Mazafati dates.

Rabbi date moisture is around 16%.

Due to low humidity, Rabbi dates are considered to be dates with high Shelf life.

this has caused them not to face problems such as the need for refrigeration in the export discussion.


The chief areas of Rabbi dates production in Iran are the Sistan and Baluchestan province. Here the largest production of these dates are found in higher level of cultivation, mainly the good quality Rabbi dates are produced in, Zabol, lran shahr, Saravan and in the Chabahar. Both pitted and non-pitted Varieties of the dates of this kind are available. In these cities a total of 11552 hectors of land has been taken up by the production of Rabbi dates. It produces 170000 tonnes of dates.

Researchers has declared cultivated Rabbi date in Sistan and Baluchestan province are really unique and cannot be grown with some quality in any part of the world. Growing and cultivation of Rabbi date due to the growing abilities and resistance against low irrigation play a Vital role in agriculture Industry of Iran. Shiny as a Rabbi  dates exporter is at your service.

for more information please read the article about Iranian Rabbi dates.

Shiny foodstuff as a trusted Iranian Rabbi dates supplier is at your service to supply the best quality dates in a best packing. follow us in Instagram.


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