Iranian Export Dates

Iranian Export Dates

Iranian Export Dates:

Iranian export dates is a sweet fruit with thin skin and hard core that is harvested from tropical palm trees. The fruit is in the form of large clusters, which hang from the palm branches. The height of the palm tree reaches 10 to 20 meters or more.

Cultivation and propagation of dates takes place in certain regions of the world, which from a geographical point of view is between 29 to 39 degrees north latitude and up to 1500 meters above sea level.

From the point of view of being located in this region, Iran has a good advantage in terms of date cultivation and development of date groves.

Iran is one of the top 3 date producing countries in the world with an annual production of about one million tons.

Iranian Export Dates

Uses and applications:

Dates are one of the cheapest and most affordable additives in the food industry. This product is a rich source of potassium and other minerals.

Dates can be processed in different cultivars in terms of moisture and size, some of these products are as follows.

Dried dates
Dates in small pieces
Tubular dates
Dates without kernels
date paste
Soft drink extract
Animal feed
Liquid sugar
Hand picked dates

Market review:

At present, the annual production of dates in the world is more than 2 million tons. The most important countries producing this product are Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Algeria and Pakistan.

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