Export Piarom Dates

Export Piarom Dates

Export Piarom Dates:

Export Piarom dates for export is one of the types of dates that are cultivated in Hajiabad city of Hormozgan. Piarom is a first-class commercial product that is a special export product due to its good quality and marketability.

This product has so far been able to attract the attention of global markets. The appearance of this date is thin skin and its dark brown and black color, the size of this date is 3 to 5 cm and it is offered as semi-dry. And due to the fact that the flesh and skin are completely attached to each other, it has a beautiful and desirable appearance and the washing process is complete.

Due to the fact that most of the sugar in it is fructose, it is easily and quickly used in the body’s metabolism, and those who have consumed this date once, due to its very good taste, good appearance and other nutritional properties, are usually regular consumers of this date be.

Export Piarom Dates

Cultivated provinces:

Piarom date is one of the tastiest and delicious semi – dried Dates in the world.  That is cultivated in sou thern city of Iran means Hajiabad in Hormozgan province ( more than 95% of piarom Date is produced in Hajiabad).

The main production points of Piarom dates  are in the villages of Tarom Zamin region (Sarchahan, Tazraj, Madnavieh, Shahdadi, Baraftab and Dargah, Gahkam, Ganj, Dasht-e Seyed Jozar).

Target market of Piarom dates:

Piarom dates are among the highest quality and most expensive dates for export in Iran, which are also known as chocolate dates or Maryami. Piarom dates  are one of the most lucrative and profitable international trade fields of Iran and this product is exported to more than 70 countries, including Russia, Germany, Indonesia, Turkey, etc.

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