Export Zahedi Dates

Export Zahedi Dates

Export Zahidi Dates:

Export Zahidi (Zahedi) dates, also known as Qasb, is one of the types of dates produced in Iran. This date is a type of dried dates and has a high durability. The shape of this fruit is oval and its end is quite thin. Zahidi dates in yellow and light brown color.

Zahedi Date Size is short, round, also its size of 3 to 4 cm are fleshy and delicious and because they have less sweetness than other date cultivars, they can be used in the diet of diabetics.

Zahedi Date moisture is less than other kinds of Date fruits.
Its moisture is under %14.

Export Zahidi Dates

Cultivated provinces:

Zahedi dates are planted in Qir and Karzin, Farashband, Jahrom, Dashtestan, Kazerun, Firoozabad, Bushehr, Lar, Ahvaz, Khorramshahr, as well as Iraq and the United States. Is harvested.

Due to the climatic conditions and the cultivated area, the harvest of this crop is in late July as Khark and in mid-September as dates.

Zahidi date export:

The Zahedi Dates have no need of refrigeration, it can be kept in normal room temperature. But in case of long time preservation, the need to keep this in the refrigerator is necessary.

Zahedi dates do not need refrigeration for storage and transportation, and this reduces the cost of transportation and storage and reduces the potential risks of transportation, so it has been considered by many importers and commercial  companies.

Most of Zahidi dates exported by Iran to the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf, such as the UAE, Qatar, Malaysia, Indonesia and Turkey, and some European countries such as Germany, Sweden, France and Switzerland. India and South Africa are also very large and good markets for Iranian Zahedi dates.

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